Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Top Ten Tuesday [11]

Top Ten Tuesday is an original meme created by The Broke and the Bookish

Top Ten Bookish Things (That Aren't Books) That I Would Like to Own

1.  Library Card Tote Bag - This would be perfect for taking my library books to and from the library.

2.  Alice in Wonderland Phone Case - I love switching phone cases at least once a week and the original Alice in Wonderland drawings are amazing.
3.  Reading This Bookmark Pad - This company and their products are so much fun, why not extend use to books?

4.  My Own Library - Don't all us book lovers want that?

5.  Book Necklace - I like how it's not metal; that it actually looks like a book.

6.  The Triangle Notebook - This concept is just awesome.

7.  Alice in Wonderland Mug - I have a thing for this quote, in all of its forms.

8.  Sherlock Holmes Book Scarf - It's Sherlock Holmes... and it's a scarf.  I rest my case.

9.  Book Lover Buttons - I collect buttons, and actually have a couple of these already.

10.  Embrace Your Narrative Key Chain - I love this because of its design and because of my life goal to publish a book of original fiction.

What do you want that will show your bookish love?